Why Give Us Your Vote?
This committee will comprise a full written agenda to improve Galveston.The materials will be published on our website to provide complete and total transparency to each and every voter, giving our citizens the opportunity to stay active in both committee and our local politics.
We collect votes necessary to ensure our citizens that any candidate whom we endorse on your behalf has agreed that the city of Galveston needs positive changes and will support the criteria as written in the voter agenda. Galveston Forward Committee is not motivated by any financial gain or support of any specific candidate.
All potential candidates seeking our voter support base will have to submit a resume and a statement endorsing our positions of proposed changes. With2,700 votes, the Galveston Forward Committee will have the power to elect the RIGHT city officials andexecute and effectively execute the voters’ agenda.
We Do Not Endorse Candidates
Powers In Numbers
We Aren't In It For The Money
We don’t endorse any specific candidate and are solely motivated to improve the city of Galveston, as well as we don’t support any specific group of politicians or special interests. All candidates seeking our voter endorsement will be subject to a formal interview with the key representatives of Galveston Forward Committee andp rovide information which we can publish on our website to seek final VOTER approval.
Additionally, with your 2,700 votes the Galveston Forward Committee will have the voter power to remove officials from their elected positions even after the election if the terms of their position have not been satisfied to voter expectation. This includes city council members and the elected mayor. Therefore,the committee stands as a constant representative of our voters’ interests.
The Galveston Forward Committee is not financially motivated. Your participation does not require financial contributions or direct participation in order to impose the proposed changes in our local city government. ALL WE NEED ISYOUR COMMITMENT TO VOTE IN THE UPCOMING ELECTIONS.
Use Your Vote Wisely
It's The Only One You Have